SSF Regional Symposium for Latin America and the Caribbean
"Bright Spots ~ Hope Spots"
The first SSF Regional Symposium for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC SSF Symposium) will take place on October 1-4, 2024 in Mazatlan, Mexico. The symposium will be hosted by TBTI Global and TBTI Mexico, in partnership with Faculty of Marine Sciences, Autonomous University of Sinaloa.
We are excited to welcome you to Mazatlan for the conversation and discussion about ‘Bright Spots ~ Hope Spots’ in small-scale fisheries in the LAC region. The symposium is a follow-up from the 2022 World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress for LAC, held in Merida, where participants discussed the state of small-scale fisheries in the region, along with the challenges and the opportunities associated with the sector. As per the 2022 congress theme, ‘stronger together’, several examples of the values, importance and contributions of small-scale fisheries were shared. Yet, there is no denying that many small-scale fisheries remain vulnerable due to both internal and external pressure and stressors. More work is required to address the root causes of vulnerability, in order to achieve viable and sustainable future for small-scale fisheries in the region.
The symposium is an opportunity to share lessons about ‘bright spots’ in small-scale fisheries in LAC, and discuss what works well for them and why. While there are still many challenges facing the sector, progress is being made. These are the ‘hope spots’ that require further attention and additional effort. The symposium is organized to foster sharing of experiences, research, lessons and stories, and to encourage in-depth discussions about what more needs to be done to support viable and sustainable small-scale fisheries in LAC, in line with the principles and goals stipulated in the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries.
We look forward to receiving your contribution, and to interacting with you in Mazatlan in October 2024.
Co-Chairs, 2024 SSF Regional Symposium for Latin America and the Caribbean
Minerva Arce-Ibarra Ratana Chuenpagdee
TBTI Mexico TBTI Global
***Special message from the organizers***
September 19, 2024
Some of you may have heard from various media sources about the outbreaks of violence in the Mexico’s state of Sinaloa. We have been discussing the situation with the members of the local Symposium Committee, including the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS) authorities. Below are some comments for your consideration and reflection:
The violence is taking place mostly in the capital city of Sinaloa, and nearby communities but not in Mazatlán where the symposium will be held. One of the indicators that Mazatlán has no problems with violence is reflected in the fact that on the 15th of September, Mexican Independence Day, the authorities of the Municipality of Mazatlán celebrated the traditional ‘cry’ (‘grito’) day and the related party.
Given this, as well as based on the recommendation of UAS authorities, we believe that there is an appropriate climate in Mazatlán for the symposium to take place and that we will continue with the plan to hold the symposium there. Having said that, we will continue to monitor the situation and will inform you without delay if there is any arising issue.
If you are concerned about the situation, we recommend that you contact colleagues from Mexico and particularly from Sinaloa and the city of Mazatlán. We will also be in the best position to put you in touch with the members of the local Symposium Committee for further info.
We look forward to welcoming you to Mazatlán, and to enjoying with you the rich and insightful discussion about small-scale fisheries in the region.
Co-Chairs, 2024 SSF Regional Symposium for Latin America and the Caribbean
Minerva Arce-Ibarra Ratana Chuenpagdee
Symposium registration
Registration is closed
Registration fees:
1) Registration fee for in-person attendance
âž¡ Regular fee USD 150
âž¡ Students and community members USD 125 (ID or other proofs are required)
The registration fee is nominal, covering only the basic cost of the organization. The fee includes access to all sessions, coffee breaks and lunches (for all four days), opening reception, and field trip. All participants are asked to pay the fee and cover their own travel and related expenses. No on-site registration will be available.
​By registering for the symposium, you agree that you may be recorded or photographed at this event and that the material may be available for public viewing. Any material collected during the symposium (images, voice, or name) will be used for non-commercial purposes only.
Symposium program
The latest program-at-a-glance and the detailed program are available below.
Please review the program carefully and if you notice any issue with your talk, including the date and time, please contact us as soon as possible.
Please check the website on a regular basis to ensure you have the most recent program.
​Due to unforeseen circumstances, the field trip to the nearby fishing community (i.e., Community Day) had to be moved and is now scheduled for Tuesday, October 1st, the first day of the Symposium.
Presentation guidelines
English is the official language of the symposium, which will be used in all plenary sessions without any translation. For concurrent sessions, presentations in other languages will be accommodated to the extent possible. It is recommended, however, that speakers wishing to present in Spanish, Portuguese or French, use English in their slides. For speakers presenting in English, it would be appreciated if you are able to include some Spanish in your slides.
Those making presentations in plenary sessions with 5 papers will have 12 minutes to present, followed by 3 minutes for Q&A.
Those making presentations in plenary sessions with 6 papers will have 10 minutes to present, followed by 2 minutes for Q&A.
Those giving short presentations will be presenting as part of Session 8A (Collected short presentations). These presenters will have 5 minutes to present their talk, followed by 1-2 minutes for Q&A.
Presentations in all plenary sessions (except Sessions 2, 7, 9) will be in English. Note, however, that presenters in Session 8(A) can choose to present either in English or Spanish.
All presenters are asked to email their PowerPoint presentations to ssfsymposium@gmail.com by Sunday, September 29th. When sending the presentation, please put your name and session number in the subject line.
Session chairs & speakers should come to the plenary room 15 minutes before the session start time. A technical host will be there to assist you. While your presentation will already be uploaded to the designated laptop in the room, we recommend the presenters also bring a copy of their presentation on a USB drive.
Attending the symposium
Venue: All sessions will be held at the Torre Académica, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. The exact room numbers will be posted on the website closer to the date of the Symposium.
Check in: Registered participants can pick up the name badge and other materials at the Torre Académica, starting on Tuesday, October second at 8.00 AM.
Coffee breaks and lunches will be provided at the Symposium venue.
Special events:
Field trip to the nearby fishing community is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1st. Details about the trip will be available on the website.
Symposium Welcome Reception will be held on Wednesday, October 2nd. The ticket for the Welcome Reception is included in the registration fee; thus everybody is invited.
Community Day - October 1
The symposium will include a trip to a nearby fishing community. For detailed agenda, please click on the button below.
The departure on Tuesday morning will be at 7:30 am sharp so please ensure you arrive a few minutes before the scheduled departure time. Please carry a hat with you as the weather will get hot.
Torre Académica, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mazatlán, Mexico
Av. Leonismo Internacional SN, Antiguo Aeropuerto, 82146 Mazatlán, Sin., Mexico
Special number Journal of Marine Science UAS

The Journal of Marine Sciences UAS invites participants of the SSF Regional Symposium for Latin America and the Caribbean to submit their complete work for publication in a special issue dedicated to the Symposium. Each paper will go through a peer-reviewed process before being accepted for publication in this special issue. Visit the journal’s website for more information about the journal and how to submit. The last day to submit a paper is October 24, 2024.
Scope: The Journal of Marine Sciences UAS (CIMAR UAS) is an online open-access scientific journal of national and international character, edited and published through the Faculty of Marine Sciences of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa. It has a periodicity of quarterly publication, in Spanish and/or English and its aim is to publish original contributions in the format of scientific articles, scientific notes, and reviews on various topics related to the sea. These include, but are not limited to, Fisheries Sciences, Aquaculture (marine and inland waters), Conservation of the environment, Biodiversity, Public Policies, and the Social Dimension in Marine Sciences.
Hotels near Torre Académica
3 min walk to the venue
Rate $970.00 pesos MX (55 USD) per room
5 min walk to the venue
Rate $850.00 pesos MX (45 USD) per room
15 min walk to the venue/4 min drive
Rate $1300.00 pesos MX (75 USD) per room
21 min walk to the venue/5 min drive
Rate $1750.00 pesos MX (100 USD) per room
35 min walk to the venue/8 min drive
Rate $2036.00 pesos MX (115 USD) per room
Holiday Inn Resort Mazatlan, an IHG Hotel
35 min walk to the venue/ 8 min drive
Rate $2036.00 pesos MX (115 USD) per room
35 min walk to the venue/8 min drive
Rate $2036.00 pesos MX (115 USD) per room
​Hotel Sands Arenas Mazatlán
13 min walk to the venue/5 min drive
Rate $2459.00 pesos MX (140 USD) per room
Symposium Organizing Committee
Minerva Arce-Ibarra
TBTI Mexico
Ratana Chuenpagdee
TBTI Global, Thailand
Local organizing committee
Eugenio Alberto Aragón Noriega
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, Mexico
Maria Isaura Bañuelos Vargas
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mexico
Martín Ignacio Borrego
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa/FACIMAR, Mexico
Nidia Yuniba Brun Corona
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mexico
Martín Gabriel Frias Espericueta
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa/FACIMAR, Mexico
Cleofas Herrera y Cairo Lizárraga
Researcher/Independent consultant, Mexico
Diana Judith López Peraza
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa/FACIMAR, Mexico
Jorge Saul Ramírez Pérez
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa/FACIMAR, Mexico
Luis Salcido Guevara
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa/FACIMAR, Mexico
Scientific committee
Milena Arias Schreiber
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Francisco Arreguín-Sánchez
Maria Jose Barragán-Paladines
Charles Darwin Foundation, Ecuador
Joel Bojórquez-Sauceda
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mexico
Ana Cinti
J. Adán Félix-Ortiz
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mexico
Nikita Gaibor
Instituto Publico de Investigación de Acuicultura y Pesca, Ecuador
Emi Koch
Coast 2 Coast, Peru
Sérgio Mattos
Instituto Maramar, Brazil
Patrick McConney
The University of the West Indies/CERMES, Barbados
Maria Pena
The University of the West Indies/CERMES, Barbados
Lina Maria Saavedra Díaz
Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia
Rebeca Sánchez-Cárdenas
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mexico
Silvia Salas Márquez
Adriana Santos Martinez
National University of Colombia, Colombia