SSF Regional Symposium for Asia-Pacific
"Bright Spots ~ Hope Spots"

The first SSF Regional Symposium for Asia-Pacific will take place on April 9-12, 2024 in Shizuoka, Japan. The symposium will be hosted by TBTI Japan, in partnership with Tokai University and other partners, and with support from TBTI Global.
We are excited to welcome you to Shizuoka for the conversation and discussion about ‘Bright Spots ~ Hope Spots’ in small-scale fisheries in the Asia-Pacific region. We know there are many small-scale fisheries in the region that are thriving and can be presented as examples of “bright spots”. But we also recognize that there are many challenges facing several small-scale fisheries in the region, making it difficult for them to be viable and sustainable. These small-scale fisheries are the ‘hope spots’ that need our attention. The symposium is a great opportunity to share stories, exchange experiences, and take lessons about what have been done well to support small-scale fisheries in the Asia-Pacific region, to discuss what remains to be done, and to work together to plan coordinated regional effort to support them.
We look forward to receiving your contribution, and to interacting with you in Shizuoka, Japan, in April next year.
2024 SSF Regional Symposium for Asia-Pacific Co-Chairs
Yinji Li Ratana Chuenpagdee
TBTI Japan TBTI Global
Symposium Format and Important Dates
Call for Abstracts: Closed
Notification on abstract submission: December 20, 2023
Registration: Closes on March 15, 2024
The symposium will be organized as ‘on-site’ only to facilitate sharing and interactive dialogue. Our goal is to make space for everyone who would like to present their work and share their perspectives related to small-scale fisheries in the region.
Note on registration fee: Registration fee will be nominal, covering only the basic cost of the organization. All participants are responsible to cover their own travel and related expenses.
Symposium Registration
Registration is closed
Registration fees: USD 150
The registration fee is nominal, covering only the basic cost of the organization. The fee includes access to all sessions, coffee breaks and lunches (for all four days), welcome dinner, and field trip. All participants are asked to pay the fee and cover their own travel and related expenses. No on-site registration will be available.
How to register
The registration is done in two parts. Firstly, symposium participants should register through the SSF Symposium website by March 15th. Once this is completed, participants will receive instructions on how to complete the payment and finalize their registration. Payment must be completed by April 1.
By registering for the symposium, you agree that you may be recorded or photographed at this event and that the material may be available for public viewing. Any material collected during the symposium (images, voice, or name) will be used for non-commercial purposes only.
Presentation guidelines
All sessions are organized as plenaries, meaning there are no parallel sessions.
Those giving short presentations have will 5 minutes to present their talk, followed by 2 minutes for Q&A. Short presentations are indicated by (s) next to presenter’s name.
Those with regular-length presentations will have 12 minutes to present their talk, followed by 3 minutes for Q&A.
All presenters are asked to email their PowerPoint presentations to ssfsymposium@gmail.com by Sunday, April 7th. When sending the presentation, please put your name and session title in the subject line.
Since there is no internet access at the venue, please avoid incorporating website links into your presentation OR ensure that all media files that are part of your presentation are downloaded ahead of the time and submitted alongside the PowerPoint file.
Session chairs & speakers should come to the plenary room 15 minutes before the session start time. A technical host will be there to assist you. While your presentation will already be uploaded to the designated laptop in the room, we recommend the presenters also bring a copy of their presentation on a USB drive.
Internet access
Please be advised that there is no internet access at the venue. If you are planning to use internet, make alternative arrangements through your international roaming plan or by purchasing pocket Wi-Fi, (e)SIM card, etc. Additionally, note that Wi-Fi might not work well inside the Symposium room.
Check in
Registered participants can pick up the name badge and the symposium program on Tuesday, April 9 at the Shimizu Terrsa at 8:30. Please do not arrive earlier as the venue opens at 8:30. Those who are not registered by 8.45 can attend the opening session and register during the break.
Welcome dinner
Tuesday, April 9
17:30 - 20:30
Shimizu Terrsa
Symposium Welcome Dinner will be held on Tuesday, following the end of the last session. This is included in the registration fee; thus everybody is invited. We'll enjoy some local delicacies & celebrate the 4th anniversary of TBTI Japan (with a cake!).
Special session 'Collective Art Making'
Wednesday, April 10
16:30 - 17:00
Kelly Jane Bruton, Artist-in-Residence, Fishing for Success
Join in creating an Art-in-Place at the SSF Regional Symposium for Asia-Pacific
We encourage symposium participants to bring something from your home community, fishing harbour, or workplace to weave into the net. As the conference progresses, take a moment to add to the growing artwork as a way to reflect on the stories we are sharing.
Kelly Jane Bruton uses art in place-based learning to bring a fresh perspective and enhance the sensory experience of a place. Her goal is to weave art “making” into the natural learning environment, to promote sustainability in artistic projects, and a sense of responsibility and stewardship for the earth’s materials we use.
Field trip
The symposium will include a field trip to the Yui Fisheries Cooperative Association, Shizuoka. The Yui area is well known for the Sakura (cherry blossom) shrimp fishery in Japan. Called the Jewel of Suruga Bay, Sakura shrimp has long been an important fishery species and an essential resource of the local economy, and the FCA of Yui plays a vital role in fishery management and community revitalization.
Field trip schedule
SSF Regional Symposium for Asia-Pacific Field trip
小規模漁業リージョナルシンポジウム・アジアパシフィック フィールドトリップ
Date: April 11, 2024 (Thursday) 7:00-17:00(日程:2024年4月11日(木) 7時-17時)
Place: Yui Fisheries Cooperative Association (FCA)(場所:由比港漁業協同組合他)
7:00 Meet at JR Shimizu Station East Exit (JR清水駅東口(みなと口・ローターリー)集合)
7:20 Arrive at Yui FCA(由比港漁協着)
7:30 - 9:00 FCA market tour(漁協市場入札・セリ見学)
9:00 - 11:00 Learn about fish cleaning and cooking & let’s eat it (fish brunch)(魚料理、魚食)
11:00-11:30 FCA introduction(漁協の概要紹介)
11:30-12:30 Fishers’ panel(漁業者パネル)
12:30-14:00 Visit Sakura shrimp sun-drying place(桜えび天日干し場見学)
14:00-15:30 Visit Ryugeji Temple(龍華寺見学)
15:30-16:50 Visit S-PULSE Dream Plaza for shopping (エスパルスドリームプラザ)
17:00 Arrive at JR Shimizu Station (清水駅着)
*** Changes may be made to the program if it is not possible to visit the Sakura shrimp sun-drying place due to weather conditions ***

Shimizu Terrsa, Shizuoka City, Japan
Shimizu Terrsa, located in Shizuoka City, will host the in-person congress events.
Find more information about Shimizu Terrsa here.

The symposium venue is near Shimizu Station, and it takes 5 minutes to walk from the station to the venue. There are many hostels and B&Bs near Shimizu Station and Shizuoka Station for participants to choose from. Shizuoka Station is three stations away from Shimizu Station, and it takes about 12 min by the Tōkaidō Line from Shizuoka Station to Shimizu Station. You can explore some options by visiting the links below.
Japan Travel Visit Shizuoka JAPANiCAN
Hotels near Shimizu Station
*Congress venue is near Shimizu Station (5 min walk).
3 min walk from Shimizu Station
Toyoko Inn Shizuoka Shimizu Ekimae
5 min walk from the West Exit of Shimizu Station
1 min walk from Shimizu station west exit
1 min walk from the Ejiri Exit of Shimizu Station
★HOTEL MYSTAYS Shimizu offers a special rate for guests associated with Tokai University.
The rate applies to a limited number of guests, so early booking is recommended.
Single room: 5,513 Yen per night. Breakfast(optional): 1,200 Yen.
***Note: This rate is only available for bookings made by telephone (+81-54-371-9111 [1]). Please mention 'Tokai University' when you book.
Hotels near Shizuoka Station
*Congress venue is near Shimizu Station (5 min walk). Shizuoka Station is three stations away from Shimizu Station, and it takes about 12 min by train from Shizuoka Station to Shimizu Station.
1 min walk from the North exit of Shizuoka station
1 min walk from the South Exit of Shizuoka Station
1 min walk from the South Exit of Shizuoka Station *Sky Spa
Shizutetsu Hotel Presio Shizutetsu Station North
3 min walk from the north exit of Shizuoka station
Toyoko Inn Shizuoka-eki Minami-guchi
5 min walk from the South Exit of Shizuoka Station
10 min walk from the North Exit of Shizuoka Station *Hot Springs
Japanese Style Hotels (Ryokan) and Guest Houses (Ryokan)
Japanese-style accommodation. Please note the distances.
Information and communication in English is not available in most cases.
Shimizu Area
20 min walk or 10 min bus ride from Shimizu Station. Reservation is only available by call. 054-366-5070
35 min bus ride from Shimizu Station. Reservation is available on the website.
15 min walk from Shimizu Station. Reservations are available by website or phone. 054-366-0661
40 min bus ride from Shimizu Station. Reservation is available on call. 054-334-8561
10 min taxi from Shimizu Station. Reservations by website and phone. 054-353-2628
15 min walk from Shimizu Station. Reservations by website and phone. 054-364-2525
Minshuku Takeshita Nagisaya(民宿 竹下 ナギサヤ)
30 min bus from Shimizu Station. Reservation is available on call. 054-334-0150
15 min taxi ride from Shimizu Station. Reservation is available on call. 054-345-1126
OYO Ryokan Hakuryu Shimizu Miho (OYO旅館伯梁清水三保)
35 min bus ride from Shimizu Station. Reservations are available on the website and by phone. 054-334-0105
Shizuoka Area
Liberty Resort Kunoza(リバティーリゾート久能山)
25 min taxi from Shimizu/ Shizuoka Station. Reservation is available on the website. *Hot Spring
8 min walk from Shizuoka Station. Reservation is available on call. 054-285-2044
20 min taxi from Shizuoka Station. *Hot Spring
Hot Spring Facilities
Information and communication in English is not available.
5 min walk from Kusanagi Station. Kusanagi Station is two stations away from Shizuoka Station or one station sway from Shimizu Station.
1 min walk from Higashi-Shizuoka Station. Higashi-Shizuoka Station is one station away from Shizuoka Station.
10 min taxi from Shizuoka Station
From Narita Airport to Shizuoka/Shimizu Station

About A
Narita Airport--------(Narita Express, 50-60 min, 3,070 yen, 3 times per hour) ---------Tokyo Station
Narita Airport---------(Narita Line Rapid, 1.5 hours, 1,342 yen, 2 times per hour) ---------Tokyo Station
Narita Airport-------- (Skyliner, 36 min, 2,570 yen, 3 times per hour) -------Nippori Station --------(Yamanote Line,11 min, 167 yen, every 5 min) -------- Tokyo Station
Narita Airport----------(Airport Bus, 1.5 hours, 1,300 yen, 3-4 times per hour) --------Tokyo Bus Stop-------(8 min walk) ------Tokyo Station
About B
Tokyo Station---------(Shinkansen Line, 1-1.2 hours, 5,940yen, 2 times per hour) ------- Shizuoka Station
Note: Only the Kodama and Hikari of the Shinkansen Line stop at Shizuoka Station. Do not use Nozomi.
About C
Shizuoka Station ------------(Tokaido Line, 12 min, 240yen, 4 times per hour) ------------ Shimizu Station
From Haneda Airport to Shizuoka/Shimizu Station

About A
Haneda Airport-------- (Airport Limited Express or Keikyu-Kuko Line Rapid-Limited Express, 15min, 300 yen, 6 times per hour) ---------- Shinagawa Station
About B
Shinagawa Station -----------(Shinkansen Line,1-1.2 hours, 5,940yen, 2 times per hour) ----------- Shizuoka Station
Note: Only the Kodama and Hikari of the Shinkansen Line stop at Shizuoka Station. Do not use Nozomi.
About C
Shizuoka Station ------------(Tokaido Line, 12 min, 240yen, 4 times per hour) ------------ Shimizu Station
From Chubu Centrair Airport to Shizuoka/Shimizu Station

About A
Chubu Centrair Airport ---------(Limited Express Train, 37 min, 890 yen, 4 times per hour)--------- Nagoya Station
About B
Nagoya Station -----------(Shinkansen Line, (54min-1.2hours, 5,940yen, 2 times per hour) --------------- Shizuoka Station
Note: Only the Kodama and Hikari of the Shinkansen Line stop at Shizuoka Station. Do not use Nozomi.
About C
Shizuoka Station ------------(Tokaido Line, 12 min, 240yen, 4 times per hour) ------------ Shimizu Station
★For more information, please visit Japan Transit Planner: https://world.jorudan.co.jp/mln/en/?sub_lang=ja
Symposium Organizing Committee
Yinji Li
Tokai University, Japan
Ratana Chuenpagdee
TBTI Global, Thailand
Alyne Delaney
Tohoku University, Japan
Alice Ferrer
University of the Philippines, Philippines
Tek Gurung
Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Nepal
Mahmud Islam
Sylhet Agricultural University,
Gazi Md Nurul Islam
Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia
Hogeun Jang
Pukyong National University, South Korea
Mohammad Anas Khan
University of Winnipeg, Canada
Ryutaro Kamiyama
Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Japan
Tamano Namikawa
Japanese Institute of Fisheries Infrastructure and Communities, Japan
Suvaluck Satumanatphan
Mahidol University, Thailand